Saturday, February 11, 2017

Perfect Timing

One year ago, I left for Disney.

Going back and reading some of the things I wrote when I was sitting on the tarmac waiting for my plane to take off, I can't believe how insightful I was, even then, and how I truly had no idea what lay ahead.

This last week on Tuesday, I had six moments, six little nudges from the Universe. The first two came in separate packages that I helped ship to Bradenton, the town where Nick and Sarah Sirriani live now. While Bradenton is a good two hours from Orlando, it still triggered memories of St. Pete beach and Florida itself. Later, in the break room, a commercial for Disney played on the game show channel. In the evening, a song that I frequently sang on the back of the trams played over the store radio- Something Beautiful by NeedToBreathe. Once I was home I saw two more commercials, one on the Food Network, and one on the History Channel. Walt was everywhere that day. I texted my friend who has introduced me to nudges and synchronicities and the Universe in general to tell him about all of the things that had happened that day and he replied, "Man, Disney is coming to get you," and I knew immediately that he was right.

Sure, maybe if you are looking for something then you're going to see it more often. Like when you get a new car, and then see that car everywhere. But there's something to be said for the coincidence, or lack thereof, of it all. I have believed that everything happens for a reason for years- before, during, and after my church days. Long before I attributed anything to God, and since I have stopped calling it by that name, I have known that I am not in control. That something greater is in charge. That is a whole other post, a whole other topic for discussion, but either way, the Universe is calling me and guiding me to people, places, and things. I know that as surely as I know the sun will rise tomorrow morning.

So in going back to my first post where I was writing about being excited and nervous to go on this journey, back before I was calling it anything other than coincidence, I see evidence of the Universe working me, showing and guiding the way. I knew from the beginning that those six months wouldn't just be a vacation, they would be so much more for me. Maybe I was imagining stories of visiting the parks to share with my children, and instead I now have stories of strength and lessons learned to draw on, but nevertheless there are moments that will not be forgotten. Three months after I came home, and now another three months down the road, I still have the same burning desire to return and to make the same magic for others that I experienced every time I walked under the train tunnel onto Main Street.

All that's left is the waiting.

Four months ago I applied for the Spring program and I was denied. Three weeks ago I applied for the Fall program and have successfully completed the interview and application process for now the third time. I am (impatiently) waiting to hear back, and while it's going to be another four weeks at least, I am not as desperately anxious as I was in October. That decision was spur of the moment and desperate, a last ditch effort to do something I wanted, and the Universe turned me down. This time was given a minute's more thought, and this time seems somewhat different. I have a plan in place, and it's for me, not for a relationship I'm trying to hold on to or friends I'm trying to be with. I know that if I am turned down for this program then the Universe is directing me to stay here in Iowa and finish my degree at Iowa State, and while I may be disappointed that it's not yet time, I can trust that more is yet to come.

One day at a time, is all I can really hope for. One day after another will bring me closer to my goals and my dreams. I have a plan and I am letting the plan worry. Maybe, like so often, this plan will be shot all to Hell, but maybe I'll learn how to pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. That's all I can ask for, is that I can learn and keep pushing on.

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