Friday, October 19, 2018

Super Cool

So here's my last 24 hours so far:
--Wake up at 6am and fart around until 10am until I go to an eye doctor's appointment that took 15 minutes in total and cost me $95.
--Go home and find that I am unable to sleep because of all the running around, so I watch a few episodes of Game of Thrones, go buy some groceries, and finally get a four hour nap before work.
--Go into work and write a three page paper out of thin air because at this point I'm really over writing stupid papers. Halfway through the night, I have to call the police because there is a domestic disturbance going on up on second floor and I don't have security on Thursday's.
--Stopped at QT for a coffee and a breakfast bite, and the Starbucks brand cold bottled Pumpkin Spice Latte I bought was gross as Hell. $3 wasted,
--Get to Ames and get settled to register for my final semester of classes, EVER, only to find out that I can't register for one of them because I haven't officially declared my Event Management Minor yet. Discover that I have to wait around after classes today until 12:45 so I can run around and get some signatures so I can register for this damn class that only has 65 seats available and counting. This means I don't get to go home at a reasonable time and get a reasonable number of hours of sleep before work tonight- again.
--Go to my last class of the day where we've been working on a group project all week, and today is the final bit where we turn it in. My other two groupmates are MIA. Gone. Dead, maybe. I would just put their names on the paper because what do I care, but here's the kicker- I don't know either of their names because I'm an old curmudgeon these days and I don't like people (or maybe it's just because it was a silly project and we didn't bother to introduce ourselves).
--Walk over to Palmer to wait for my meeting in 40 minutes only to trip up the last three stairs in front of a cute boy, AND find out that they've taken away the couches in the lounge. I can't even nap for 30 minutes.

Fuck me.