Thursday, May 31, 2018

Celebrate Them

Some days are better than others.

Some days I look at myself in the mirror and barely recognize the girl I see. Luckily, those seem to be fewer and more far between.

But other days I feel exactly like who I am supposed to be.

I am the girl who drinks rum and coke, or vodka soda when I'm feeling tough and bitchy (and wanna have a real good time).

I am the girl who will have a cigarette after a long day at work (sorry, Mom).

I am the girl who will drive home, window down, music blaring, singing at the top of my lungs to some Top 100 Hit (that I knew before it was popular, I might add).

I feel good in my skin tonight, I feel alive and free. I feel like an actual adult, like things are falling into place, and I'm where I'm supposed to be.

Those nagging feelings of doubt and sadness and loneliness and nostalgia are creeping in at the edges, tempting me to have one more drink before bed so that I can ward them off. But I'm trying so hard to celebrate the feeling I have right this moment, the one I just felt 15 minutes ago in the car, the one I felt standing in the bathroom earlier after I had done my hair and makeup.

I am woman, hear me roar!

How silly, but I get it. I am true, and brave, and resolute (things every woman should be told that she is on a daily basis). I am a cosmopolitan girl. I am me. And I'm gonna celebrate that tonight as I drift off to sleep, knowing that I have friends who love me and family nearby, and a whole new world of possibilities waiting before me.

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