I have so many ideas floating around in my head. So many things that could probably be developed into a full piece. I even have the framework done for one full story, one that is probably pretty good. I wish I could just PICK ONE instead of starting with 500 words at a time and then leaving it behind.
And how the hell does anyone come up with original content anyway? I know the kind of books I enjoy, so I think that's the kind of book I would like to write, but then all of my ideas are going to come from that genre and the ideas that already exist. How many times can a young unsuspecting woman end up in a position of rebellion against the BIG BAD GOVERNMENT?
And what about all of the caveats and the things that are under or over represented? I think we could always use more strong women in literature, but are there enough strong young men? Are there books written for young men to relate to? And what about people of color, or the LGBTQ community? I would love to write a character, or a few of them, that inspire people across the board. I would love to write a story that isn't forced and just truly and honestly depicts the plot and happens to have great, diverse characters. How did J.K. Rowling get to where she is? Did she know when she was writing Socerer's Stone how great it was? How much it would mean? Did Jodi Picoult know she would write 20 plus books, all equally well-respected?
Where do I even begin? I find that my current story does not quite make me excited anymore, but I don't have the heart to scrap it or start something new after all of the effort I've put in. And I don't expect to be a 25 year old great American author. I don't expect to ever be published, but it floats around in my head sometimes.
AND THE OTHER THING- I see my writing as fully formed movies already. I see exactly how I would want the scene to appear as if it were on screen. So how do I translate that to a page? And into something even remotely interesting to anyone else?
I wish I could start and finish something. For once.
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