"I don't smoke, I eat edibles And there's a pretty familiar pattern.
First I can feel the skin tingles about 40 minutes in, and it's like clockwork.
Then the munchies. Oh my god the munchies. It's always a sweet and salty thing. And it's always really weird shit. Tonight- Nutella an French fried onions. You do what you can I suppose. Maybe I should try cooking something big.... but I need to go shopping.
Anyway...the munchies. And shortly after my head starts getting fuzzy and time begins to stretch. Following one thought is going to become difficult soon. There is a thick feeling in my throat, I get really bad dry mouth right around here too. And my arms and toes feel fuzzy like when I drink.
I just went to get some water. The feeling in my throat was too much. I can't type as fast as I'm thinking.
(Here is where I switched to my phone "notes" app. I couldn't type as fast as I could text.)
There’s always this feeling that there’s supposed to be repetition. Everyone goes through the same steps when high
But that can’t be true can it? Certainly every trip is different. My muscles feel heavy and twitchy
Different stages. Or maybe it’s the random sequence that makes it relaxing? Maybe this is what people enjoy about the drug? But I have the same thoughts all the time and it’s kind of annoying. Maybe I’m tony trying rough. Andy is wearing a hot pink shift and Ted an yellow tie. It’s so awful. How have inevver noticed this?? Sorry I kinda just gave up on the autocorrect because my thoughts were moving to padtS
(This is where I gave up on making sure my words were accurate. It was just way too time consuming, especially with how quickly my thoughts were changing. Sorry if things aren't legible.)
Oooo fizzy heavy eyes. Those snapeas sound so good right now: I’m almost out of French ions :( between micheals replies, it felt like about 20 mins. Is this accurate?
My muscles are def feeling shaking. It’s weird, I can ohsicaly feel it. I want to go for a walk. I really only need to last 2 more hours and I’ll be good but icky ic j have 4 hours in me
Heart palpitations. Or something. My breathing is heavier. Brain is very swirly. So is my chest. Limbs tingly. Pretty cold hut phone says 66. Feel like I’m hearing things extra loud now:
Going for a small walk. Listened it sufjan getting creepy bad vibes and knotnkn chest. Is this intuition or parianoi? Heat rate for sure increased. Can’t find a nice quiet drop spot out here. Cold wind feels nice.wow such paranoia right now like I’m freaking out a bit. Maybe I’ll just sit on the porch and the will have to do. Back
Home. Feeling better. Sitting k. Porchi lisengi g to interstellar ew bad heartburn
(And almost like someone snapped their fingers, I suddenly found myself able to pay attention long enough to correct my typing again.)
Good time listening to the music. I can also form full thoughts again with min distraction. Went to sleep about 4:30am. Start time was 2am almost on the nose, I ate the edible at 1am. Major tired phase has passed, I’m surprised. I think I have usually given in by now. Maybe I need to allot myself more time. I’d love to have a WHOLE day or a whole vacation just for being baked. I need more weed in my life. Damn.
So that's it. I can remember all of the moments that I was typing and some of the things I was feeling. It's interesting to read back on, and now that I've documented it at least once, maybe I can just chill next time and not think so critically.
Update on this as of the beginning of 2019: Yes, I have chilled out quite a bit. Either this log helped me to not be so critical, or I have just accepted the chain of events as truth. Also, I do smoke now ✌️
Update on this as of the beginning of 2019: Yes, I have chilled out quite a bit. Either this log helped me to not be so critical, or I have just accepted the chain of events as truth. Also, I do smoke now ✌️