Life, lessons, and learning. Keeping track of my thoughts and experiences little by little.
Thursday, November 24, 2016
One Last Time
After being denied for the Spring College Program, I had a realization: I was truly heartbroken because of the lost opportunity to work for Disney again. Of course I was sad because that meant that I wouldn't be near my friends or near Steve, but I was absolutely disheartened because I wouldn't be able to walk down Main Street and I wouldn't be able to see the castle, and I wouldn't get to work for the place that makes me so happy. It was then that I realized my wanting to return was true, and not just temporary or for some guy. Disney makes me happy, and I deserve to be happy. I have spent so long trying to make college work for me, trying to put my head down and just push through. But it's now been four and a half years, and I done being unhappy. The major I'm working on isn't one that excites me, the job prospects aren't ones that I'm interested in. I'm only 22, almost 23, but I deserve to be happy and I've decided I'm going to make that happen. Last week, I applied for a part-time job at Walt Disney World in Quick Service Food and Beverage, next week I have my phone interview. I feel very confident in my qualifications and I feel very confident that a position with this company will make me happy. If I am offered a position, I am pretty certain I will move.
Now, don't get me wrong. I may be fed up with school, but I do want to finish. I want to have my degree, so that if I lose my job or if I decide I'd like to move up and make a real career out of my work, because Lord knows I don't want to be checking at HyVee for the rest of my life, then I have that option. I'd like to get it done sooner rather than later, so if I move then I'd like to transfer universities and finish school in Florida, but maybe it'll go more like my mother said and five or six years will pass before I get the motivation I need to get my degree. Either way, I know myself, and even if no one else thinks I will, I know I will finish college one day. It may not be at the end of this semester and it may not be from Iowa State, but dammit, I'm going to check that off of my list.
So here looms the BIG question: should I stay, or should I go? (Yeah, yeah...I couldn't resist.) In all seriousness, I'm a little stuck. Everything in my heart is telling me to go, and I mean everything. My inner voice says to follow that feeling and chase happiness, because that's all we really have. And who am I do disagree? Some people work their whole lives in a job that they hate, but what if I get to be one of the few who gets to work in a place that they love? I flop back and forth between "following my heart" and "doing the responsible thing," but who's to say that following my happiness isn't the responsible thing for me? I know who in my life falls into the second camp, and I know who want's me to just be happy with my choices. I know who loves me and who is looking out for me, and I can glean as much advice and wisdom from these people as I'd like, but ultimately this choice is mine.
I had a coworker ask me yesterday, "why did you ever leave" and I couldn't answer her! I don't know why I left... maybe I needed to come back here to realize how important it is for me to go back. Maybe I needed the chance to come home and say goodbye, or to really think through this decision and feel like I made the right choice. I'm glad I came home, but I also can't help but feel like I missed out on a lot by not staying there, mainly when it comes to Steve. The difficulty of trying to keep a relationship going across 1200 miles takes a toll on the people involved. We should have never had to spend six months apart after only knowing one another for a month or so; that time should have been spent going on dates and making out in cars, and drinking bottles of wine in hotel rooms. It should have been seeing each other at work and riding home together every night. Then again, who knows... if I had extended my program maybe I wouldn't have ever felt the need to speak up and make my feelings known, maybe I would still be sitting there wondering "what if?" I'm nervous to make a move halfway across the country for a person, and while I know that the majority of my moving would be for the job itself, I can't deny that a little bit is for him. I want to be near him, and I think we deserve that. He is prepared for me to do that, and I think I am getting there too. It's not as if we're going to live together, and it's not as if he is the only person who I would love to see and be around. Even if everything goes south between us, I feel confident that I would stay and I could make myself happy.
I know that I really shouldn't dwell on the future, and if I'm being honest, I haven't thought about it where it concerns our relationship near as much as I have in the past. However, this potential move, this potential huge life change makes me wonder what we have in store, and that too is weighing on my mind. There are things that I want to talk to him about, but I know we're not quire ready for, and I believe they are conversations to be had in person anyway, definitely not over the phone or over 1200 miles. I was talking to my mom the other day, and she reminded me that I've wanted to have kids since we can remember, and I've always wanted to be married as well. She asked, and I realized that I'm not sure if those are things that he would want, and I don't know how our relationship will look after having that conversation. For now, I'm trying to realize and rationalize that all of these uncertainties and worries about our future are cropping up because of this life choice, and I need to just let the relationship run the course it's going to. There will be a time and place for that conversation, and it will make itself known. Rushing things will not bring any kind of satisfaction.
As I await for my interview date to arrive, I will no doubt become more anxious and more nervous, because with that interview comes a big decision. I know what I want to do, and I have a pretty good idea of what I will do, but ultimately I will follow my gut. This next week I am going to try to listen to myself and give pause for the concerns I have, because I think every emotion in this time is valid and deserves to be recognized. However, I will not let it overtake me, and I won't let the fear consume me.
Thursday, November 17, 2016
To Harbor Hope...
Sunday, November 13, 2016
Top Five Guest Moments!
Sunday, November 6, 2016
My Great Disney Adventure!
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The best group of CPs a girl could ask for! From left to right: Chantal, me, Kevin, Sarah, Ingrid, Brittney, and Jenn (Not Pictured: Cary, Rachel, and MacKenzie) |
My average shift was about 10 hours, and most of the time I was off at 2am so I was heading into work around 4 or 5 daily. There were a few positions in the parking lot, and most times you got to rotate through almost every spot throughout the night, I think I can only recall one or two days where I was stuck on a tram the entire shift. I won’t go into detail about every position, maybe in a later post just for posterity sake, but everyone had their favorites and everyone had the one they absolutely hated. For me, being at point in the actual lot or spieling on a tram for the Heroes side were probably my favorites, with Villain’s point and setting the lot and the end of the night being in close contention for third.
Being point in the lot meant being in charge of sending cars down the line to park. It was clearly the best spot to be in because you got to talk to everyone who was rotating through the lot parking the cars and all you really had to do was call in row numbers on the radio. Spieling in general was always fun, but specifically I enjoyed the Heroes half of the lot because it just seemed more laid back. The crazy guests really did seem to gravitate to the Villains trams.
Not only did I like the Heroes side better but there was a perfect time of day to be on a tram as well: somewhere between 7-10pm, as it’s just starting to get busy from everyone exiting the park, the sun is setting, and you get to see Wishes from the back of the tram- if you’re lucky! I came to love our parking lot, not only because it was massive (at over 130 acres, it can hold Disneyland and its entire parking lot), but because it really was beautiful. I was able to watch the 4th of July fireworks show from the back lots and had a spectacular view, I saw Wishes again and again from the back of the tram, I witnessed roughly 100 gorgeous and unique sunsets along the way, and there was always something special about parking cars at twilight as the sun dipped below the trees.
Now don’t get me wrong, there are days when the lot and I just didn’t get along. Days when guests were extra cranky, or when it was just miserably hot and humid. Days when would have to tram walk. In case you were curious about the position that I hated, this was it. I didn’t like to create or be in the middle of guest conflict, though I know a few people who enjoyed just that, and so to be a tram walker was my worst nightmare. The job description was basically this: stand in front of 500 angry, tired, and impatient guests while the trams make their rounds. Tell those people to stand behind the yellow line, to fold their strollers, to sit in their own seats and not on laps, and to stop boarding the tram. All of these duties you performed as a spieler as well, but when you pissed someone off, you got to leave with the tram. As a tram walker, you had to remain right there right along with everyone you made angry. You were the scapegoat for all of the pent up frustration, and I kid you not when I say that you could always feel the anger rolling off of the guests. Did I mention I hated tram walking? You might think now that the guests I encountered were all rude and angry, but that is simply not true. While being a parking cast member is mostly a thankless job, I had several moments with families that will forever stick out in my mind as moments that make it all worth it.
I met my first princess at the age of 22 inside Magic Kingdom, Princess Tiana, and I realized a childhood dream come true when I met Ariel a few weeks later. I always enjoyed spending time with friends at the park watching the Festival of Fantasy parade or riding Pirates of the Caribbean, but something about taking the day for myself to wander around and people watch was so relaxing and so joyful. Turning away and leaving Main Street and the Castle behind me for the last time was heartbreaking for me, because it truly felt like I was leaving my home. The feeling of joy and wonder that I experienced every time I stepped through those gates was overwhelming, and I never expected to fall so in love with a place like Disney. I have worried since I returned home that wanting to go back was childish, but I think I have decided that there is nothing immature about being happy where you work and wanting to bring that same joy to the people you serve. I made the difference for a handful of families while I worked for Walt,and I know that’s what he always wanted. If I can continue to make someone’s day a little brighter simply by being myself, I think I’ll be able to go home happy at the end of the day.
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A good friend took this on my last night at Magic Kingdom. Saying goodbye was emotional, but I'm glad she captured it. |
Sunday, October 23, 2016
Far Away
Saturday, August 27, 2016
My Brown Eyed Girl
I know that the big stuff won't fade. I know that I will always remember your hand on my face when you kissed me for the first time, and the way that you turned to lean against the car and pull me close to you. I will always remember singing at the top of our lungs in your car and driving around aimlessly just so that we could hear the entire eight minutes of Paradise by the Dashboard Light. Forever I will remember standing at the water's edge with your arms around me, just enjoying the ocean. I will always remember laying in your arms for hours, watching the clock tick down and being heartbroken together.
These moments and many more I will always recall. Walking around Rollins and seeing your old haunts, the way the universe put us on one last tram together on my last night, sitting with you in the lounge at the Grand and being so nervous because I had asked you to lunch. Plucking up the courage to kiss you on the cheek and hoping that I didn't go too far. Sitting in several parking lots and feeling like I was 17 because we were definitely breaking the rules. Hearing you tell me that I was brave and having you kiss away my tears when I realized it was true, and how unfair it was that I had to leave. Sitting close to you at the bar and getting to just be with you. Driving home with you almost every night for two weeks because it became comfortable. I want every single one of these moments to be sealed, to be preserved just as they happened. If I could have a movie made of these memories, I would make 100 copies because I would wear every single one of them out.
Wise men say, only fools rush in. Oh, but I can't help falling in love with you....
It scares me that already you are fading. It's the small parts of you, of us, that I am afraid to lose. The way that you smell, or the exact feeling of you fingers interlaced with mine. The way that your hair felt between my fingers, or the small noises you would make when I kissed you. I want to remember the way that your eyes would soften when you looked at me, I want to recall every single moment that you called me beautiful. I want to remember touching your cheek and recall how you would press into my hand and close your eyes. The secret smiles and all of the meaningless conversations in the breakroom, sitting close to you in the van or seeing you in the lot. God, how I want to remember every time that we passed each other on a tram and waved- the head tilt and crooked smile. Every moment when I would text you and watch to see your reaction from across the room, or the way that I could feel your eyes on me as I walked your tram. I want every small interaction to be just as ingrained in my mind as any of the rest.
In the morning I'm leaving, making my way back to Cleveland...and I don't see how you could ever be anything but mine...
Leaving you was one of the hardest things I have ever done, because how in the world am I actually supposed to leave someone that I love, even when I know that it's what is best at that time? I never wanted that Saturday night to end, I never wanted to leave the perfect bubble we had, because the moment we left that room, it was all different. It would never be the same, we both knew that, and if I could go back to that moment and lay there with you forever, I probably would. Words cannot describe how much my heart hurts and how much I just want to hold you. I'm scared that if I visit, everything will be too different, we will be too far removed....
I know they say you can't go home again, but I just had to come back one last time....
I want that perfect bubble back, I want those last few nights where you held my hand in public and kissed me in front of people and I never want to stop feeling the way that I do about you. I am scared to change, because I've known you were right from the moment that you said, "this will look much different to you a year from now." I don't know what role you play in my life, what lesson I learn here.
I do know that I miss you with every part of myself every single day that I am gone. I know that it has only been three weeks but it feels like an absolute eternity. I know that the thought of being with someone else, that even the thought of being married down the line, tears me apart because how could I ever want to be with anyone but you? You can create the ideal scenario where I'm not bound to you and where I can look back and know that you will always be the one that was perfect, but you cannot stop my heart from feeling the way that it does. I know that you showed me what it's like to be loved, cherished, and cared for; what it's like to be put first. I know that you changed me and you made me better.
I hope that I never tire of hearing your voice on the other end of the phone, and I hope that any reunion we have is just as sweet as I'm imagining in my head. You have a pretty good track record so far, so I hope that you continue to be right in that I won't lose you and I won't forget you. I am true and brave and resolute, and elegant and sophisticated and refined and you helped me to see that, so most of all, I hope that you know how incredibly important you are to me, and how much of me you have forever.
Friday, August 19, 2016
Looking Back
I've been rereading some of my old posts, stuff from a few years ago, and I'm trying really hard not to be embarassed by it. I was such an entirely different person in 2013 than I am today. My thoughts, my worldview, my opinions...they have all be drastically altered by my life experiences and the people who I have interacted with.
I'm almost ashamed of some of my thoughts, because I know who I was. I know that I was part of the Church and I know that I mostly blindly followed along, believing whatever was taught on Wednesday night and Sunday morning. I never thought for myself, and now I question it all. Going through sophomore year and losing all sense of who I was and what made me who I am, I was so lost. I felt like a failure because I didn't feel comfortable in my own skin, and I certainly didn't feel comfortable in church anymore.
Today, I stand tall and resolute. I have a pretty good idea of who I am and what I stand for. I know that love is love, and that's not something you can put bounds on. I know that drinking with your friends, or even on your own is not the worst thing in the world you can do. I know that having sex before marriage, be it with one person or 20, doesn't make you a sinner. All of these things and many, many more experiences make you a human being. I'm trying not to be embarassed by my past, because that's also a real part of me and it shaped who I am today. I think it's an important lesson to learn: that where I came from and who I am today can exist in the same universe. I think it's still going to take some time to make that thought stick in my head, but I'm trying.
Worry Not...
I know that I really shouldn't worry. Trust me, I know that. So here is my running list of all of the things that are worrying me, so that maybe I can put them to rest for a while.
I'm worried about my future. How am I ever going to earn enough money to make rent, bills, AND start paying off those student loans? It scares me that I still don't know what I'm doing after school. I feel a little like a failure because all I want to do is finish school, but I have no plans when I step off that stage after graduation. It feels irresponsible to not have any idea of where I'm going. I'm 22, going on 23...surely I should have some idea by now, right? I mean I have ideas, but what if they don't work out? What if I choose one and I should have followed the other path? There are so many uncertainties and for someone who likes to have things planned out, this is incredibly tough.
I'm also worried about myself a little bit. I've been through Hell and back in the last three years; there was a time when there was absolutely no light at the end of the tunnel. It seems that for now, I've come out on the other side, but I know there will be more hard times down the road. I forgot what happiness was for a while, and when I found it again, it took me some time to allow myself to be happy. I'm worried that I'm going to forget how to be happy again, or that I'm going to leave my happiness behind. That was a huge worry for me when leaving Orlando, but that one has worked out okay so far. I know that I am strong, brave, and resolute....but I feel apprehensive as well.
I'm worried about the motive behind my choices. I do want to return to Disney, but is that for the company or is it for the people? And if it's for the people, is that a good enough reason to go back? Is it childish to want to return to Disney, something that I should just let go and allow it to be part of my past? I knew that my time in Florida would be important for me, I never expected to be leaving people that I loved. My heart has never hurt so much knowing that I may not see some of those people again, or that if I do, I will most likely be some time.
I'm worried about the guy. I never expected to find anything like this when I went down to Disney. To be honest it wasn't really on my radar, I was too focused on enjoying the new experience. Then it just happened. My heart hurts, and I'm connected across 1200 miles to a person who I care about greatly. The distance scares me because even though we decided not to be together in any official sense, we talk every day and we share those moments. Lord knows that I understand what all can change in a year's time, so I'm worried for how I will feel a year, 6 months, 2 weeks from now. I know the guy will always be there for me, absolutely right there, but I am worried that I'm not going to be the person he thinks I am. That I'm going to be selfish and hurtful, that I'm going to make things worse for someone that I love.
I received good advice from Mrs. Beridon last night. She told me to journal over the next few months, to keep track of my feelings, goals, opportunities, and outlooks so that when it comes down to 6 months or a year from today, I can go back and see the train of thought. So that when I step off that stage in May and head into an internship, I know what my next step will be.
Make a plan and then let the plan worry. I'm going to try to be better about writing, either here or in a real journal. I go through waves, but I think this is a time where I need to be diligent.
Sunday, August 14, 2016
I know that I am impulsive, and I know that sometimes I am not happy with the choice I've made after the fact. I don't always sit down and think through every single avenue and option, and I just do what makes me feel better in the moment and dealing with the rest later on. Last night I had a moment where I made an impulse decision. I was angry and somewhat embarassed, so I permanently deleted a post that had only been up for a few hours that tracked my train of thought through the move back from Orlando. I deleted it because I didn't want someone to see it. I wanted it to seem more put together and less childish and wandering, as many of my posts seem to do.
But here's the thing: this space is mine. Once in a while another person comes along and reads one or two things, but for the most part this is a place for my thoughts and my inner dialogue. Why should I be embarassed of my thought process? Why should I ever be ashamed of my own voice? The answer is that I should not. If I'm going to write, I'm going to write for ME. Not to impress anyone, not so that I don't shake my head at myself five years from now when I'm rereading something. I'm going to write for myself, in the moment, whatever feels cathartic and good and helpful.
It's too bad that I had to permanently erase a piece of me to figure out this obvious little lesson, because I do feel bad about my decision now, but I think I also understand a little better why the writing is so important to me. It's my heart on the line, my emotions laid bare, but it's for ME. Its my way of coping and organizing the mess inside my head into a coherent train of thought. It's the best way I know how to look at a moment and work through the in's and out's. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to attempt to recreate the lost post or not, but I know that I won't ever again erase something because I'm afraid of how it makes me appear. This is my voice and I'm going to use it.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Check-in Day!
If I could choose, I probably would have made this morning run a little bit smoother, but all in all, I'm still here.
Last night I stayed at the Pop Century resort and I'm pretty certain that the young woman who checked me in sent me on a wild goose chase. I walked for probably half of a mile with my two carry-on's weighing heavily on my shoulders (no really, I have the bruises to prove it) around the entire complex before I reached building 9. I thought I was on the other side of the world from everything. This morning however, it took me all of 3 minutes to get back to the central lobby. Easiest route my ass. Anyway, once checked in I pretty much crashed, but I did not sleep well. I was expecting my bags to be delivered all night(which they were not), so I woke about once every couple hours worried that I would miss the knock at the door. Then this morning comes around and I have next to no luggage to shower or dress with. This also meant no deodorant and no toothbrush for the better part of my day, what a first impression right?
After finally collecting my baggage I was mistakenly delivered to the back parking lot where I impatiently awaited a bus that was supposed to take me where I needed to be for check-in. At this point I was running behind due to a misread of my schedule, but luckily for me, some rules were bent and the bus delivered me to my stop (but not before I sat among Disney Cast Members with my bags stuffed to the brim on what was clearly not my appropriate mode of transportation).
Once I arrived at Vista Way Pavilion, I had to carry all six of my bags for roughly another half mile or so to the Welcome Center. At this point I was flustered, half an hour late, and very tired. It took me several stops and many deep breaths so that I didn't completely meltdown at 9am. I was finally able to dump that God-forsaken luggage and proceed to check-in where I received my job placement (Parking Ops at Magic Kingdom), my housing ID (don't ask), and my new apartment (Vista Way). Following check-in, I went to Casting where I was finger printed and briefed on training, and then we were on our own.
I took the opportunity to move in to my new room and rest a little before completing my drug and alcohol testing. I met my roommate and was able to unpack most of my belongings and as I write, I am sitting on a bench awaiting my bus to Walmart because this girl needs food.
This day certainly had its downs, but it has had its ups as well! I have arrived safely and am fairly optimistic. Tomorrow is a new day to explore and settle in. I have a housing welcome session and on Saturday I get to participate in Traditions and become an official cast member (with a nametag and everything)! For now, I'm off to get some Doritos and a nice mug for tea :)
Effie Does Disney
At 1:35 p.m. today, my flight left from the Des Moines International Airport headed for Charlotte, NC. Once there, I will be a hop, skip, and a jump to Orlando where I will be spending my next 6 months working for Disney World.
I have never been more than 40 miles from home for any long periods of time, and I have never gone solo on a such a huge adventure (I do think that Noah would have been impressed with me). I am both excited and terrified to embark on this journey, but I know that I am gong to have the time of my life.
I know that 10 years from now I'll look back on this time and remember working for the "Happiest Place on Earth." I'll remember the feeling in my stomach when that first plane took off and how giddy I was to actually be landing in Orlando, and probably even how sad I'll be when I have to leave. I'll tell my friends and kids and anyone who will listen the same story 20 times because this is going to shape me. I haven't even hardly completed the first leg of my journey but I already know this is going to be big.
Sitting here now in seat 13A I can still hardly believe this is happening to me! After all that I have been through in the last few years, this feels like a break in the clouds, and I am so excited to take advantage of this opportunity. I was talking to someone the other day and I told them that I don't ever want to find myself sitting inside on the couch watching TV on a day off, and I truly mean that. I want to DO while I am here, I want to make the absolute most of my time- even if that means visiting the Magic Kingdom every single day to occupy myself. I want these six months to be a chance for me to overcome and enjoy myself, to love who I am, and to make some changes for the better (I'll be damned if I don't come back with a kickin' beach bod)!
The last two weeks were very difficult for me. I was having a hard time processing that I would actually be leaving my friends and family, and I didn't really know how to calm my fears. However, in the last 14 days my friends have showed so much love towards me and I feel so overwhelmed because of it. It's easy to start to feel alone when you're going through transitions or rough times, but I know as I leave Iowa I am not saying goodbye to a single person, only "see you later," and because of my little army, I know I will be okay.
So watch out Orlando, and here I come Mickey, because Effie is about to kick some Disney ass! :)