Monday, March 3, 2014

On a New Note

I have a few updates, that among the weight of all the darkness can maybe provide some light.

First, I have started seeing a counselor through Iowa State. It's a free service that they offer here and I'm hoping that it might help a little bit. So far, I've only been to two sessions- the initial one and then my first official one with one of the real counselors. Well, actually, she's just a practicum student, but I like her so far and I'm comfortable with her. I have 7 more sessions with her, so we'll see how it goes.

Second, I have started the 100 Happy Days challenge. Basically, for the next 100 days, I post a picture to social media of something that made me happy during the day. It can be anything at all, just as long as I post at least one a day. I'm excited about it. I think I need a little happy in my life, and this will be a bright spot I believe. It will take me through the beginning of June and the end of the school year, so I'm hoping to see some serious change of heart.

Finally, I have been having lots of ideas for writing prompts lately. I'm not sure what that's about, but little short story ideas have been cropping up all over the place. Hopefully one of these days I'll have the time to develop some of them, and no worries- I'll share them here!

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