I want to make mistakes and have regrets.
Now you may be thinking to yourself "Okay, this girl really has gone off the deep end," but let me explain! I've been thinking a lot about getting a tattoo recently and I've been trying really hard to come up with meaningful ideas that go behind each one that I want to get. But then, yesterday I saw something that someone had posted and they said something along the lines of "Don't feel like every tattoo you get needs to have some deep backstory. If you think a tiger would look cool on your arm, get a tiger!" I'm getting my first tattoo with my best friend in June, and I've been back and forth over which one I want to get for a long time. I've settled with a couple on the insides of my ankles. They will be easy to hide and I figure if I get my first one in the most painful place, I'll be well prepared for more in the future. This first experience will likely be an indicator of whether or not I get more in the future. If I do, I have many ideas, and not all of them have stories or meaning. Some just look really neat. So I've been thinking don't get the ones that don't have meaning. Those are the ones you'll regret.
And then I saw what that person had to say, and I agreed. And then today, I realized that I want to make mistakes. I want to have regrets. Maybe I'll get every tattoo that I ever wanted and I'll love every single one. Or. Maybe I'll have one that I look at and just shake my head. But so what if I do? I think it would be almost better to have one I didn't like anymore so that when my kids come to me in the future, I can say "You can do what you want, but look at this and let me tell you how embarrassing this one is." Maybe that will make them think twice.
Obviously this is a very specific situation, but you really can apply the idea to anything. And I'm not saying that I want to actively seek out trouble and misfortune, but I don't want to be afraid of messing up. I don't want to hold back from doing something on the off chance that I'll be upset that I did it later. I want to make those mistakes and have those regrets so that I can use them as teaching moments in the future. I have done stuff these past 7 months that I didn't think I would do or would enjoy, and I want to use this time not to berate myself and dig myself into a deeper pit, but as a tool to prop myself up with and to say "This doesn't control me. This isn't who I am. It's something I've done and I can learn from this."
So yeah, I want to make mistakes and have regrets, and I encourage you to not look down upon yourself when you mess up or fall short, but "to realize two out of three ain't bad."
Edit: Just to be clear, these here are examples that I don't mean: http://imgur.com/gallery/uhjzW
I mean like a tiger tattoo that I don't like or the tattoo going out of style or it being a last minute choice. Don't worry, I'm not looking to get any face tattoos!