Thursday, January 3, 2019

1.3.19 [A Series]

I'm going insane tonight. I am at work, my regular 10pm-8am shift, but I am here with the new hire who will be doing some audit shifts during the week and she is driving me up a wall.

Much like Lisa, who I already have to deal with at home, this woman laughs at EVERYTHING. She also feels the need to narrate her every move and inform me every time she goes pee. She's already told me about her divorce from her cheating ex-husband and how shes going for another (better) job interview tomorrow morning.

It's just too much information. I don't care. I don't know you. Please leave me alone.

I was talking to my friend Rachel earlier tonight about how I've become such a hermit in the last year or so. I of course love hanging out with my close friends, but when I am at home, I just want to be left alone, and social interactions that involve lots of new people stress me out. I've also become quite comfortable being alone at work. In fact, because I feel pressured to be pleasant at home, work has become the space where I do have some alone time. Maybe that's why this woman is driving me crazy, because it feels like an infringement on my personal time to myself. It would also help if I felt like I could go sit down without her starting a conversation or narrating to me why she's organizing, or that she's organizing at all. I think it also rubs me the wrong way that she's kind of been snooping around the back office tonight as well. Nothing too serious, but apparently she tried the handle on Amanda's office, because she found the file-folders in there.

I think I'm just grump because Ryan has me working on his computer training. It sucks as a training program, and I literally just completed my own program last night, so it's just all of the same exercises over and over. I wish you could test out of the modules. Instead of going through all of the training, you could just take the end test and however well you did determined what extra modules you had to complete.

I'm rambling. I just wanted to do anything other than work on that training for a minute. And I really needed to vent about this woman because all of my friends are asleep already.

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